Friday 29 June 2012

Front Cover

Hello, me again, ‘isa’. I have started reading a non-fiction book called “50 facts that should change the world” i have only read the first chapter but I am enjoying it so far. This post is about the layout of the front cover of the book. It has a red background which suggests danger. this could be to tell the reader that the facts are things that need to be stopped and could become dangerous. On top of the background in the middle is The number 50 filling up the width of the book and it is black. On top of that is white writing on top of it saying 'facts that should change the world'. The colours go well together and makes it look bold making you want to pick it up off the shelf. It uses an easy to read font.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

non-fiction or fiction?

I am not really a keen reader, however if i were to read it would be a non-fiction book. So far i haven’t found a gripping fiction book with a good story line. I have never really liked reading but I do prefer to read non-fiction because I prefer to read something which has facts and figures in so i can learn something from the book.

Instead of reading I would much rather go out and do something active.